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XLENS® diffraction software and related products

The powder diffraction software (for Windows & Linux platforms) distributed in this page consists of:

  1. Intensity extraction and space group determination (DAJUST_Software).
  2. Crystal structure solution (Powder data: XLENS_PD6; Single crystal data: XLENS_v1).
  3. Crystal structure solution from Powder data using Direct-Space Methods (TALP).
  4. Crystal structure refinement from Powder data (RIBOLS).
  5. Software for crystal structure analysis from tts microdiffraction data (TTS Software).

Conditions of use:The software that can be downloaded from this page can be used free of charge for non-commercial academic purposes only. For any other purpose, please contact directly with the principal author. Further distribution of this software is not allowed. The permission for using this software expires by end of 2020 and then it must be deleted. Citation of the references: would be greatly appreciated when publishing works done with them.

Disclaimer: This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. The authors (or their institutions) have no liabilities in respect of errors in the software, in the documentation and in any consequence of erroneous results or damages arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Use it at your own risk.

Last update: 2 Dec 2016

To access the download page, please complete the following fields. This is just for control purposes and this information will not be used for other finalities.

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Download XLENS® and related diffraction software

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  • Unzip the downloaded file (No installation required).
  • Check that Java Runtime Environment (JRE ver. 1.6.0_18 or higher) is installed on your system. You can download it from
  • Run the program.

Each program includes its own user's guide with specific installation instructions (if any), a description of the functionality and sample files. Citation of specified references for each program would be greatly appreciated when publishing works done with them. For any question, please contact the authors.

Thank you for downloading our software!
